Friday, January 11, 2008

Questions to Ask an Interested Agent

So say the exciting day has finally come: an agent calls you to offer you representation. Do you know what questions you should ask them about their agency and their plans for your manuscript? Have you come up with a set of questions that will help you know if the agent works in a style you can get along with? Do you even know what you should do next? Here are several links that should help.

Jessica Faust at Bookends wrote about Getting the Call and Questions Not to Ask an Agent.

On Nathan Bransford's blog, agent Ginger Clark wrote about How to Handle an Offer of Representation.

Miss Snark gave advice on what to ask agents that don't use a contract and what it means if the agency is a LLC versus under sole proprietorship.

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America website has a good article on how to tell if an agent is a reputable one or not. This page also includes some links to websites dealing with negotiating author-agent contracts.

Rachel Vater wrote a post on questions to ask agents.

AAR has a very good list of questions to ask an agent.

Kristin Nelson wrote about questions to ask an agent if you get The Call.

Susan Kearney has a list of questions to ask your agent.

If you've come across a site on this topic that I haven't mentioned, please feel free to talk about it in the comments.

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