Monday, January 7, 2008

Book Cover Artists

I like a book cover that make me feel the danger of or a sense of awe about the scene portrayed. I also tend to like the realism look over the painted look, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate both. Here are some links to interviews on Irene Gallo's blog with various book cover artists. Samples of their work are posted with the interviews, and the following artwork caught my attention and made me want to know more about these artists:

Chris Rahn
Daniel Dociu

Donato Giancola
Julie Bell
Stephan Martiniere
Scott M. Fischer

I love what Donato Giancola does with light, especially in pictures like ASHLING and OBERNEWTYN and Farseekers: Journey. I hope one day to have one of my novels published with a cover done by him.

What are your favorite book covers or book cover artists?

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